Author: Bobby H

Medicare Sees Modest Gains from Robust Economy

Stronger-than-expected economic growth and increased productivity have boosted revenue collections, resulting in a slight improvement in the trust funds supporting Social Security and Medicare benefits for U.S. seniors, according to reports released by the U.S. Treasury on Monday. According to the Treasury, the Medicare Hospital Insurance...

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Make Your Life Better In One Minute

Apparently boosting your health doesn't have to be a lengthy and difficult task. According to today's article, you can start making your life better in just one tiny minute. Something as simple as brushing your teeth, "Not only will brushing help alleviate cravings, but the...

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Are Your Children Joining This Trend?

It may be hard to believe but kids are now starting to hop on the juice cleanse bandwagon. If you've tasted one of these fresh juices yourself, you might be able to understand why that can't seem to stay away from that yummy goodness but...

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What Diet Soda May Be Doing To You

Why do we drink diet sodas? Usually it's because we don't want all the calories that come with a regular soda but I've got some bad news for diet soda drinkers. According to today's article, "Older women who consume 2 or more diet drinks a...

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Do You Know What Day It Is

Today, March 31st, is the last day of enrollment for healthcare. So what are some things to look for now that the deadline is about to pass? What will the next six months bring? To read the article and find out, CLICK HERE....

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A Drug That Could Prevent Cancer?

A drug that might prevent certain Cancers? Yes, you did read that correctly! Today's article discusses the possibility of a drug that not only treats headaches and seizures and other ailments, it could have even more added benefits. According to the article, "The drug is...

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Good News For Chocolate Lovers

I finally have a valid excuse to eat chocolate! Today's article is looking at the benefits of eating that yummy goodness most of us love. According to the article, "recent research shows that the good bacteria in our stomachs, like Bifidobacterium, actually thrive on chocolate."...

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